Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I am so glad the nice days are here and everything is alive again. This is my favorite time of the year seeing the new live everyday. We have been in this house for 2 1/2 years and we have done a lot of work in the yard and things are finally looking settled. For example this flower bed was A MESS we cleaned it all the way out and planted these irises and they finally look like they belong. We did have a couple more trees taken out in this line in the fall so I have some empty space to fill but it is looking good.

The garden is is planted and growing and I can't wait to start getting goodies out of it.

Here is the our front door, do you notice anything? Well, other than that the door needs to be planted and the Easter wreath is still hanging. But if you look closer you will see more signs of new life.

We watched the Mama robin build this nest, lay 4 perfect little blue eggs. When we got Back from Hawaii we got to see this little bird hatch from his egg. Then a couple days later we went to check on "baby bird" and the wreath was on the ground along with the "baby bird" and busted eggs. John hung it back up and put the baby bird back in the next and surprisingly the mama came back and the baby is growing everyday.

Before long "baby bird" will be gone but Harrison has had SO MUCH Fun watching the nest from the first few pieces of grass to now. We have read books about robins and have to look through the door several times a day to check on the baby bird along with tell it good night and sweet dreams every night before bed.

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