Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I don't think we give Harrison Enough Credit

Last night Harrison wanted to get all his train track out, and put them out on the sun room floor. This is completely normal in our house, but he did not want any help, he wanted to do it himself, and what a nice job he did. He wanted to show Daddy when he got home and Harrison was so Proud of what he had done.

Harrison and I have "school time" each day here at home. While I do use a preschool home school curriculum we also do other things that are not in the curriculum. We mainy focus on Language skills that will also help with his speech. We spend up to 45 mins in the morning on "school" then after nap try to review and do extra stories etc. So today I was planning to do all things along with the letter "V". But when I came out from getting dressed I found that Harrison had done "School" without me.

He moved all the "U" flash cards from the green chart, (we did "U" yesterday and will review "U" and "V" tomorrow) to the red Chart. then He put the "V" flash cards into the Green chart. Just like we do everyday. He also got the "V" bag and put the "V" stickers on the easel and even glued a few extra "V"s to the page. Just like we do everyday.

Then he also had his A BEKA workpage out and had glued pom poms and buttons on the letters just like we do every day.

Oh, and lets not forget you have to have the Large card sitting up so we can all see it. He was so proud and had to show me all his "work" I asked him if he needed Mama for his school work and he said with big smile, "No Mama". I think We might have to make things a little harder around here for school time, so Mama gets to keep her job.

1 comment:

Carla said...

I would have to agree with you! Harrison may have problems with his speech and though I've never met him, he sounds amazingly smart for his age!!!!