Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Brag Time

Ok, so since I have been putting some of what is going on in Harrison's world on here, I feel like he needs some space for some brag time.

You all know I think he is a perfect gift from God and our Little Red Head Wonder, that we are blessed beyond measure to have in our lives and given the awesome responsibility of being his parents.

He has been doing so well lately especially with some of his sensory Issues. In the last month he has started a new Sunday School class at church, and a new Awana class (which is even in a different building) and he as done so GREAT. He goes in and LOVES both classes.

He has also started a new Mother's Day Out class and is also doing great there and is so excited to bring home his work to show us and to put on the fridge.

He has been going through evaluations at the new clinic and he has went with new people and held his own.

We are so proud of him, if you can't tell.

He also is really trying to repeat things that we say and is not as timid with his "words" as he has been in the past.

He is doing Great with his school work, learning his letter, numbers, etc. He is writing letters and even knows some sight words.

And he is SO MUCH FUN...

1 comment:

Carla said...

It's great to hear you're seeing/hearing progress!!!!