Monday, July 11, 2011

Perserving the Summer Goodnes

I can and freeze A LOT in the summer. So I know what is in our food and in the long run it does save money. And it Tastes better :) I have gotten several emails, phone calls etc lately with questions and thought htis was a great read on how to decide what to make.

This is a good read to think about what you want and need to put up

For example I have already made 3 batches of pepper jelly most people one batch would be more than enough but I like to give it others and I aslo have an outlet to sell a few of my canned goodies (I usually try to at least sell enought to pay fot the year's worth of canning supplies.) It is not cheap your first year but once you have everything you need you are set and you Will LOve it.

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