Tuesday, December 22, 2009

GOOD DAY.... BAD DAY ... Harrison's world

What a difference a day can make. When people of Apraxia they think oh, he can't speak, but with the frustration that goes along with it, the lack of communication, and the often sensory possessing issues that with it. Harrison has GREAT DAYS and but when we have a rough day boy is it ROUGH.


Harrison wakes up Happy and ready to play, meets me in the hall and starts running and laughing down the hall. He begins playing wants a cup of juice and the day is off to a great start. He eats a good breakfast , wants to get dress, lets me brush his teeth and hair, and after Curious George he is ready for "School Work" and will work for about about 40 mins, doing pre reading practice, speech work, etc.

After school time he will play in his room with Trains and puzzles while I do some chores of my own. When asked to do something Harrison responses with "Yes Mama". He helps with my "chores" eats a good lunch. Off to bed for a nap. After a good long nap He is up and ready to play and work some more we play games, and play laughing and having fun. bath and bed goes well, errands are easy, he is happy to do anything asked of him and is pleasure to be around. Loads of fun and a well behaved little boy that obeys his Mommy.


I hear screaming on the bedroom door with a whiny little boy, usually in wet pjs that have to be changed, this is where the the day goes down hill. The changing of of the clothes and bedding causes first break down with kicking and screaming, not wanting to change his clothes he fights to keep the wet dirty clothes, to which I am lucky to just get a diaper on him. The crying continues when offered food and drink, he either does not want anything or I can't understand what he wants and that cause the meltdown to get even worse. at this point food usually ends up on the floor. I am at wits end and it is only 7 am.

He will not get dressed ( for example today for when I took him to speech his SLP knew by looking at his hair and clothes it was a bad day) I best not even try to brush his hair or teeth. If I do another kicking screaming melt downs happens. By this time I have not seen even a little smile from my little red head wonder. "School Time" means more papers thrown on the floor, and more than likely crayons broke along with more kicking and screaming.

Lunch continues the same, nap causes another fight with a little boy running out of his bed for sometimes up to an hour, usually no nap is taken which adds to the stress of the day. Afternoon may cause for desperate trip of taken him for drive in hopes for just a few mins of a nap. Then the count down to bed time begins. After dinner which again is may or may not be eaten, and I may or may not be able to cook between melt downs. I try to get him in the bath. If I am successful I get a few mins free of melt downs but he may scream even more.

Errands are not going to happen unless, we want looks of disgust or pity from other people about the screaming 3 three year old. I have heard "NO" enough for a life time, I am sore from holding my fighting child trying to calm him. About 4 pm he begins crying for his Daddy even though when he gets home he wants nothing to do with John. Bed time means more resistance and usually a late night continues with several times of being awake during the night.

But the next day is a new day and we hope for a smiling little boy in the hallway. And so is the day in the life of our little Harrison. And as hard as rough days are for me, I can only image how hard it is for my little boy that just can't control himself. I know he has to be so frustrated. He is so good on "good days" and so much fun, I know he has to hate the "bad days "as much as we do.

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