Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve My Parents come up for the night. We have made a tradition of going out to PF Chang's for dinner, Which is one of our favorite places, and Harrison Loves it too. Then we head back home to open one present each and decorate our "Santa Tree". We get a live tree and decorate it on Christmas Eve for Santa to come and visit. We make our ornaments and save them from year to year. We usually make some pine cone bird feeders and paper snowflakes but this year Harrison was not feeling the best so we added about 6 ornaments to what we already had so the tree was a bit bear. And it did not help that Harrison wanted to put ALL The ornaments on the same spot. But he had a BLAST and that is what counts. My Dad usually cuts and brings a tree with him. But this year we went out last minute to get a tree our self and Lowe's had them on Clarance for $1 which is my kind of deal. John picked up the biggest tree but Harrison would not hear of it. He wanted the little tree, so the Little tree is what waited for Santa.
Harrison had so MUCH FUN decorating the tree, and you know he had to do EVERYTHING Daddy did but what's new?

Grammy read the NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS before bed, but Harrison thought he should sleep on the couch to see Santa but we talked him out of it.

We also made Rice Crispy Treats for Santa instead of cookies, thought he might have had enough cookies :)

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