Saturday, September 12, 2009

Harrison's World Part 3 -- Trunk Strength

While Harrison was evaluated by the OT she notice right away that he had decrease trunk strength compare to what he should have. She Also noticed that at that point his rib cage had not moved down as much as it should have. Both with can effect his breathing which can effect his speech, and even his reflux that he has had since he was born.
What He does or does not do
*When He is laying on the ground playing he will lean to one side so he does not have to hold his head up.
* He will shift his whole body to move closer to an object instead of reaching across his body to simply get it.
*He has very poop upper body strength, for example if crawling he will use his head on the ground to help balance his body. IF you hold him in your lap and hold his legs he can not wiggle his way out of your arms.
* He runs with his arms straight next to his body instead of pumping his arms, in attempts to help control is balance.
What we are doing?
* OT to work on this strength
*A lot of reaching across his body (ie holding toys or books to one side of his body and making him us the opposite hand to reach for it. )
* Lots of crawling, jumping, and climbing.
*"rough house" play to help him to learn the motor plans to get away and to use his arms and trunk instead of legs and head.
*Harrison is also taking horse riding lessons to help build up this strength. We had planned on riding lessons but started a little earlier to help. He is LOVING his riding lessons by the way.

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